I have been hanging out in my studio A LOT since spring. It has been maybe the most positive influence in a world gone bonkers as well as a refuge from that bonkerness.

I played a lot with small paper pieces that seemed to be going nowhere for what felt like ages. Suddenly the process coalesced into the current series: Winged. Pieces in Winged continue to explore my overriding theme of flow along with a sense of rebirthing, rebuilding, lifting off after a crash. Or perhaps that sense of being still caught in the net of disaster or struggling to escape from being caught. Funny how so close to ‘real life’ that sounds.

All of this is expressed with multi-media colour and collage on paper, raw canvas, acetate banners and wood panels. The pieces range in size from 48×48″ to 6×6″. The smallest pieces are coated in resin, which I love. I haven’t had the time to continue my previous experiments but they are earmarked for the winter months when I am out of the big garage studio.

For the Art Crawl there will be a surprise product that you’ve never seen before. More on this closer to the time.

Quick Note: Prices are going up October 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        so if you’ve been considering purchasing anything please click here to peruse artworks or click here to contact me.


How will you see my work this fall?

Through serendipitous ways I’ve ended up with my art being displayed at several venues over the months of October and November.

1. The shortest show: Oct 21-23 Sunshine Coast Art Crawl
Venue 107 in Sechelt in my Garage Gallery
Here I’ll be showing a lot of the new Winged Series, from large to small Art Gems (remember the resin pieces) I’m excited to share this newest work!

2. Dances On Air: Oct 6 – Nov 10 An Installation at the Sunnycrest Mall. LOOK UP!
I’ll have 24 painted acetate banners installed in the giant skylight at the center of the mall. It will be so cool to see the effects of the changing light as these banners drift in the air currents!

3. Facets of Flow: Oct 5 – Dec 8 at the Gibsons Public Market
These recent pieces mostly have a landscape influence. From extra large to tiny, from paper to canvas to wood, from acrylic to resin – there’s quite a range of expression to intrigue your eyes.

If you would like a virtual tour please contact me and we'll set up a Zoom time just before or during the Art Crawl weekend.

Jan Jensen standing among her translucent painted banners

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